Friday, March 27, 2009

What Goes Around Comes Around

by: Dave Lindbeck
I’ve spent a lifetime committed to helping others. It’s what gives me the greatest joy, fulfillment and satisfaction in life. I’m also a true believer in the old adage - “What goes around comes around.”

This is reinforced on many occasions when I encounter an old co-worker, friend or acquaintance who reminds me of how I inspired them, gave them guidance or helped them through a difficult time. These kinds of experiences always motivate me to keep putting good things out into the world.

We never know in advance what good may come from the gestures we put out there. Maybe it will inspire, encourage, educate, motivate or actually change someone’s life. In any event, people will always come away knowing that they matter to you.

In business, as in life, it all comes down to people. People are your customers, co-workers, employees, leaders, managers, investors and vendors. Success in your business depends on the people you encounter. How you treat those people will have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Here are some ways to help people in your business and show them that they matter:

1. Deliver incredible customer service.
2. Give a single parent the afternoon off.
3. Pay someone more than you need to.
4. Send a hand-written note to an employee acknowledging a job well done.
5. Loan a subordinate a book that you’ve found to be helpful.
6. Tell someone struggling “I want to help you succeed,” and mean it.
7. Stop by and talk, without an agenda.
8. Share a resource that you’ve found useful.
9. Create a safe space for openness and honesty.
10. Let people tell you how they feel, and listen without interrupting.

I encourage you to think about the people that you impact, the lives that you touch and the positive changes that you can make. These are the true signs of leadership and in my opinion are more important than the money that you make, the position that you hold or the size of your office.

You can do good while you’re doing well. It may require you to think of new ways to do it, but when you focus on helping others, you’ll succeed in ways beyond measure.

About the author:
Dave Lindbeck, Business and Career Strategist - Founder, InStep Coaching - Success strategies for professionals in Financial Services, Real Estate and Technology - Learn more @ http://www.instepcoaching.comSubscribe to his complimentary e-newsletter, @ P.O. Box 7221 Phoenix, Arizona 85011 (602) 277-5170

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Top Business Leaders Reveal the Secrets of Success

by: Jillian Gregory
Out of the bevy of reality television shows today, no TV show affects the business minds and goals of entrepreneurs everywhere more than “The Apprentice”. The show stars Donald Trump, the famous, wealthy real estate and business icon that has become a household name. Donald Trump has been in business for several decades and knows the secrets to becoming a highly successful businessman.

In the past, public indications of his success were mainly found on buildings in New York City such as Trump Towers. He has been a major player in New York City and in the business world for the past few decades. However, the general public didn’t always have intimate access to his world like they do now through “The Apprentice” television show. On the show he interviews several candidates for a highly coveted position in his company. The candidates work on various tasks over several weeks. They rely on their education and experience to help them succeed.

The candidates and any business professional would benefit from learning the secrets of Donald Trump’s success. You might not have the opportunity to be on the show, but you can listen your way to success instead. Invest in your future by listening to Trump: How to Get Rich by Donald J. Trump. Donald Trump provides valuable insights on how to become a champion in business and reap financial rewards previously unimaginable. He covers a wide range of topics from investing to hiring the best employees.

Donald Trump is not the only business guru dispensing advice and anecdotes about his personal success. Steve Jobs revitalized Apple and returned it to dominance among technology companies. Jack Welch brought General Electric to new levels of success through innovative and unique business methods. Experience their business journeys by listening to The Second Coming of Steve Jobs by Alan Deutschman and Jack: Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch.

Interested in a business success story rifled with scandal? Listening to The Rockefellers by Peter Collier will suit your fancy. The Rockefeller family created a dynasty that built a mountain of wealth, but also evoked family of problems. Learn the affects of success that were both beneficial and detrimental to the Rockefellers.

Want to hear about other entrepreneurs? Check out the Venture Voice Podcast by Gregory Galant or the InfoTalk podcast from Take an inside look at how to start a business, where technology is headed and other entrepreneurial issues.

Pop in these audio books on your car drive or train commute to work. Listen while you are working on paperwork at home or exercising in the gym. Take the time to become business savvy and learn from the pros. You’ll be glad you did as your bank account swells and your business takes off.

About the author:
Jillian Gregory writes for, an online portal for educational and self-development audio and video material which can be found at http://www.learnoutloud.comFor the HTML version of this article complete with links to the titles that were mentioned, please visit

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Where to Find Cheap Brochure Printing

by: Max Bellamy
Whether it is for is a real estate listing, a trade show handout, a data sheet, or another application, brochures can be a great promotional tool. They can be very expensive or surprisingly affordable, depending on your needs and where you look. Two of the easiest ways to find good prices is to search online or to call printing companies for quotes. There are so many competing printing companies – both offset and digital – that the job of finding a cheap brochure printing company couldn’t be simpler.

Digital printers tend to be less expensive than offset printers, but some argue that their quality is not as high. It is best to investigate what each kind of printer offers and see a sample before making a judgment.

If you have limited internal marketing services, you can still easily make a brochure that will be of high quality, appealing and cheap. The key elements are creating and implementing a clear design plan and doing all of your electronic file work in-house. This will avoid enlisting the extra services printers offer, and help keep the cost low.

Companies will often prominently list their no-frills prices to attract customers looking for bargains. The prices will usually include a few standard paper choices, full color and a standard fold, and shipping (sometimes this is free). If you are sure of what you want and you don’t need any consultation or custom work, your cost will remain very reasonable.

Another option is to build your own brochure online. There are many companies that now offer do-it-yourself graphic design options. This is a fast and easy process that is a very inexpensive route.

Be on the look out for free options and special deals such as seasonal discounts or discounts on discontinued papers. Additionally, make sure when you are pricing your brochure printing job that it includes full color; it is a buyers market and there is no reason to compromise on color. One of the most affordable options is single color or color brochure; this uses only one color and is not appropriate for every brochure.

With the advent of new technologies, digital printing and desktop publishing prices could not be lower. It’s a great time to use a brochure to get your message out there.

About the author:
Brochure Printing Info provides detailed information about cheap, color, and full color brochure printing services, and advice on finding a brochure printing company and quote. Brochure Printing Info is the sister site of Laser Toner Web.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Most Popular Subjects People Will Pay For!

by: Ian Canaway
If you're still having a hard time trying to figure out which niche market to go into, start by simply spending some time asking questions of yourself...What are my favorite hobbies, interests, activities, etc. Or...What are some things I don't know yet but have a burning desire to learn more about?

Start a list and add all your favorites to it.

Here's a list of some of the most popular subjects people are paying for...

• Dating, Seduction, Sex Advice, Relationships

• Losing weight, gaining muscle, looking more attractive

• Health & fitness, cures/reliefs from specific diseases & ailments

• Spying, online privacy and security

• Safety, personal security, and protection of self and loved ones (self defense, home security, scam prevention, etc.)

• How to use computers and the Internet

• Mental influence, persuasion, and dominance

• General self-help, self improvement, personal development, and success

• Hobbies and special interests: cooking, magic, UFO's, metaphysics, becoming more competitive in sports, activities, etc.

• Making money, aside from marketing information: investing, stock market, futures trading, real estate tips, and other related financial information

• And of course, having more control and freedom in their lives!

People are always looking to improve themselves or some area of their lives. They are always trying to find solutions to problems.

There are sites catering to some of the above categories that are already generating thousands of dollars every month. I have personally sold products on some of the above categories and done very well.

Yet, we haven't even begun to tap the true profit potential in these areas yet because there's very little competition in most of these areas, especially when compared to the "how-to marketing" area! The potential to make money from the above special-interest categories is huge - and it's wide open!

Moreover, as more and more people get accustomed to buying digital products, you can easily imagine making insane amounts of money through these topics well into the future.

You could pick any one of the above subjects that you personally have an interest in and run with it.

About the author:
Ian Canaway will help you launch your very own money making website today that's 100% ready to take orders and pull in massive profits for you right now...guaranteed! Visit:

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The Exercise Infomercial Phenomenon

by: Richard Romando
It all started with Jane Fonda. She started an industry with a simple video tape that included a 30 minute beginners program followed by a 60 minute full workout. For Jane it formed the nucleus of an empire that included books, audio recordings and fitness salons that are still in existence today. More importantly, capitalizing on Jane’s success, her workout tapes were followed quickly by everybody with a cut chiseled physique or a machine to help you work off those extra pounds and bring out those abs which quite unbelievably is bigger today than it was yesterday but not as big as it will be tomorrow.

Like they say in the record biz, the hits just keep on coming. Everybody has jumped into the market through the years: Chuck Norris, Lou Ferrigno aka The Hulk from the TV show, even Governor Arnold tried his hand at it. Models, celebrities and just plain folks with a machine have created exercise infomercials and you can count on one thing – more are coming soon to a TV channel in your house.

There’s Pilates, aerobics, toning, step dynamics, yoga, stretch, even specialty exercise tapes for pregnant women, women who have just given birth, women who are thinking about getting pregnant, kids, seniors – and that’s only a small fraction of what is available. Right now there are over 700 titles currently available and at one time or another all of them were presented to the public as an infomercial.

Some exercise infomercials utilized a new form of advertising called the hybrid infomercial. In the hybrid infomercial the product is available immediately as a direct response item and at the same time the item is available in retail stores. Here the infomercial is serving a dual purpose – to make a profit for the manufacturer immediately with credit card phone orders and by creating a brand name identity for the product available in the retail marketplace. With so much product available in today’s infomercial exercise tape market, it’s difficult for any one tape or exercise machine to make a profit for its manufacturer. By utilizing the incredible power of infomercials to reach a wide public base and selling them as a direct response item and a retail item simultaneously, manufacturers have learned how to profit from infomercials even though the market may be oversaturated.

About the author:
Infomercials Info provides detailed information on exercise, weight loss, real estate, and make up infomercials and direct response (DRTV). Infomercials Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.

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The Advantages of Full Color Brochure Printing

by: Max Bellamy
A brochure can be a great promotional tool, whether it is for is a real estate listing, a trade show handout, a data sheet, or another application. The most professional and eye-catching brochures are usually those that are full color.

Full color brochure printing usually means standard four-color printing, and is now offered at almost every brochure printing company. Four-color printing is also referred to as standard color printing and employs cyan (blue), magenta, yellow, and black inks, often abbreviated to “CMYK.” Most computer software programs will convert any text or image to CMYK, and this is usually a requirement of printers.

Brochure printing companies will usually provide a clear explanation of the four-color process. Most high quality, full color commercial printing is done on offset presses using this four-color build process. These four colors are used to create or build the many color shades seen in a brilliant, full color printed brochure.

Color can be tricky, because what you see on your computer screen is called RGB color; it is a different color model than the four-color process. Frequently there is a wide variation in monitor technologies and calibration, and colors will be similar, but not exactly the same. Make sure you communicate to your printing service what color you need to see in the final product. If you print a sample color brochure on your inkjet or laser printer, there may be some variation from the color produced from your printer to the offset lithographic presses.

One of the many advantages of the four-color process is that computer-controlled inking and chemical mixing systems provide color consistency. Automatic color and register control maintains consistent quality, making four-color process the most popular printing choice.

When an exact color match is essential, a spot color of specially mixed ink is used in printing. These specially mixed inks are called pantone colors. You can find color books showing thousands of pantone colors and get an exact match. Spot colors are used most frequently for one- and two-color jobs and when an exact color needs to be produced every time. Full color brochure printing is easy and affordable; so let your imagination soar.

About the author:
Brochure Printing Info provides detailed information about cheap, color, and full color brochure printing services, and advice on finding a brochure printing company and quote. Brochure Printing Info is the sister site of Laser Toner Web.

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Properties for Sale in Bulgaria: A Look at Rural Real Estate

by: surrinder Ahitan
A great deal of attention has been paid to properties for sale in Bulgaria in the major urban areas in that country. In addition, the growth of property investment in Bulgaria in resort communities -- particularly in the mountainous regions of the country and around the Black Sea -- has been phenomenal in the past few years. However, when it comes to property investment in Bulgaria in some of the more rural areas of the country, people have been a bit slower on the uptake, perhaps a bit reluctant to put money into buying real estate in rural areas.

In point of fact, if you are interested in properties for sale in Bulgaria, you would be well served in taking a close look at the rural parts of the country.
(Indeed, Bulgaria -- with a population of just at 8 million souls -- remains a largely rural country.)

Perhaps the primary reason that you will want to consider property investment in Bulgaria in the rural part of the country rests in the reality that tourism is expected to increase markedly when Bulgaria becomes a part of the European Union in 2007.

For generations, Bulgaria has been a popular holiday destination for men and women who are residents of some of the other Eastern European countries. These holiday travelers flocked to the Black Sea resorts by the thousands annually. (As mentioned, properties for sale in Bulgaria in the resort communities have
been very buoyant recently.)

With the opening of the borders that will accompany admission into the European
Union, Bulgaria will experience an even more significant influx of holiday travelers in the future. A good number of these people will be interested in touring Bulgaria, including visiting some of the interesting and historic
destinations in the more rural parts of the country. Thus, a person with the foresight of taking advantage of property investment in Bulgaria will be in a position to profit from the increase in tourism that is anticipated in all sectors of the country.

About the author:
Surrinder Ahitan's website provides detailed information and advice on the most lucrative areas to invest in Bulgaria. You will learn how to get around, get a flavor of the language, history, culture and more.

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